Each specialized pint jar comes with a magnetic stirrer, self healing injection port, syringe filter for air exchange, 250mL-300mL of sterilized Liquid Culture, and the live thriving mycelium of your choice. As a free gift we are also giving you 5 sterilized 10 mL syringes and needles (16 gage X 1 1/2 inch) to help you on your journey. These are the same jars, Liquid Culture recipe, and mycelium The CAPN uses on the farm. Each jar can make up to 25-30 full Liquid Culture Syringes, that's a lot of mushrooms!
We have pre inoculated the jar and given it a good start. It will colonize throughout the jar within 8 to 15 days. Simply keep it in a dark cool place and you have liquid culture for months to come. After the 8 to 15 day colonization period, store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use.
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